Sunday, December 03, 2006

Zane Loves Beans

Back in the days when Kevin was quitting smoking (a few days ago), I bought him these chocolate covered espresso beans as a special treat. The beans lasted longer than the quitting, but that's ok for now.

Zane has been very interested in these little bits, but of course, we told him, as we do about many things, "They are not for babies."

Later, I was on the computer and he ran to my desk with the box. I couldn't tell if he'd gotten any or not. He said he did. I wasn't sure. I asked if he liked it. He said he did. I didn't really see any evidence that he had actually eaten one. I couldn't resist. I let him have one. He LOVED it!

He also loves baked beans. And chocolate of any variety. And Starbucks Java Chip Ice Cream. I guess the bean doesn't fall far from the bean tree.


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