Sunday, December 10, 2006

PayPerPost Affiliates

It seems lately that I get on a theme for a few posts and run with it. Well, I seem to have a PayPerPost theme today. What can I say. I heart PayPerPost. I heart blog money.

And what's not to love about PayPerPost's new affiliate program? It's rad. You just put a sweet button up on your blog, and if people click it, sign up, and make it through the approval and posting process, then you get $15. That's THREE times what PayPerPosties got for referrals until now, and more than you get a lot of other places for referrals as well. I chose the button with their catchy slogan, because I love to sing it, "Get paid to blog about the things you love."

To hear the slogan, and see PPP CEO Ted Murphy clowning, watch this:

Ha ha ha...even Zane loves this video. He's pointing to it and saying, "On. On."

The button to join PayPerPost is on my sidebar, it looks like this:

You should click it and join PayPerPost. (Assuming you meet the requirements, of course.) Get in on the fun!


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