Thursday, December 14, 2006

"I love you, I love you both. But you won't be getting presents."

Just heard that on GMA. Diane Sawyer said that to her co-stars about Christmas presents. It sounds a little nasty now that I'm writing it. But it really wasn't. I loved it. They were talking about holiday stress. We put too much stress on ourselves, especially as women. I really don't do that too much, but I do agree there is too much stress, even in my little non-Christmasy life.

What if we could really change what Christmas is about? What if we didn't buy in to all the buying? Where does it end? I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet. Part of me likes it. I like to get things for people. I like to give things to people. I like sharing about the deals and cool things I find right here on my blog.

Maybe it's just like Diane said, "I love you. I love you both. But you won't be getting presents." The message for right now is, if I don't get you anything, it doesn't mean I don't love you.


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