Thursday, December 21, 2006

Guy. Roof. Kudos

So, we've had some weird weather lately that has not done great things for our house. Our roof has scattered to the four winds, exposing some, well a lot, of wood on the top of our house. It's not so good. Our State Farm insurance guy came out to assess the damage and got straight up on our roof to do a temporary patch. Let me say that again. Our STATE FARM INSURANCE GUY just hauled it up to our roof to do a temporary patch. I, my husband, my mother, and our roofer were all quite surprised. As was Zane, who said, "Guy, roof, hammer" for the rest of the day.

The real roofing dudes are coming tomorrow to fix it, and our insurance guy, Pete Mattich, smoothed that over so we could make it happen quicker, too. I'm sure I'll be hearing a lot more "guy, roof, hammer" tomorrow. And thanks again to Pete!



Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

Whoa! He got on the roof! Quite impressed.

Terri said...

I KNOW! Can you believe it?