Friday, October 13, 2006

TechCrunch Discusses payperpost

From my last post, you can see that I'm addicted to blogging. I've decided to take this addiction and turn it into a positive thing by joining payperpost, a website that pays you for blog advertising. It is a great site that connects bloggers with advertisers and pays bloggers just to give their opinion. Holy heck, how great is that, something we bloggers readily do anyway?

This is a real, honest opportunity to make a little bit of cash. And I know real people who are already doing it. If you are at all interested, or if you are already on payperpost, a real good way to learn more about the site and the business is to check out the TechCrunch podcast with payperpost founder, Ted Murphy. It includes great information about the site, the business, the people who are using it, and the recent announcement of $3 million financing by Inflexion Partners, Villiage Ventures and Draper Fisher Jurvetson. Payperpost is a new company that has made a big splash in a somewhat controversial way. This podcast takes a look at the different implications of this new way to advertise online.


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