Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Home Improvement Daydreams

Since we just got a new/old house, we have been working on it a LOT. Of course, there are still many home improvement projects that we would like to have done. I've just been daydreaming about what we'd do if money were no object.

First on our list is our fence. Kevin's been tearing it down due to termites, so we'd like to replace that. We'd especially like to replace it with something high enough for privacy in the event that we see one of our other home improvement plans come to fruition: the hot tub. Oh yeah.

Hmmmm...what else would I do if money were no object? It's fun to think about. We'd get some art. Stainless steel countertops for the kitchen. That would be fun. We'd really like to trick out the back yard more--a little patio, some great furniture, probably an umbrella of some sort. And a fire pit with seating. Somewhere Kevin could play guitar.

But, I think, more than anything, I'd like have a super deluxe bathroom attached to our bedroom. We have a bathroom upstairs right now, but it definitely needs work, isn't very convenient, and doesn't even have a tub. That is truly a bummer. I loves me a good soak. My mom has a tub I can use if I need it, but it's not the same. Especially if Zane is sleeping. When I was in Vegas, I took a bath while he was sleeping in the next room. If he woke up, no big deal. Now, if he woke up while I was downstairs in my mom's bathtub...ehhhh, I don't bother.

A dream bathroom. Good to think about while Zane watches Rent for the gazillionth time.


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