Friday, October 26, 2007

Full Moon + Mercury Retrograde = ::SHUDDER::

Well, yes, I did not update y'all that Mercury was Retrograde. Probably because Mercury was retrograde. Ugh. I didn't even figure it out until Loretta IM'd me about it. I kinda did figure it out because I had the most hellacious trip with Zane the weekend it started. Really. SO MANY things went wrong, ending with the stomach flu (or rotovirus, as someone corrected me) for the whole fam damily. Eeeeeek! What about the rest of y'all? Has it been the worst Mercury Retro for you EVAH? Tell me your stories and we can cry in our herbal tea together. Oh, and the moon is full now. Should be fun. When does the fun end? Well Mercury goes direct on November 1st. Expect some Mercurial tricks on Halloween!


Sunday, October 07, 2007

All Hail the Massage Zone

Yesterday Kevin and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Yay!!!!!!!

I slacked for quite some time on what to do. We tend to do that. We tend to not have babysitters either. Well, I finally took the bull by the horns and scheduled us for a couples' massage. It was pretty awesome. We got a soak in a hot tub before our 90-minute massages as well, in a lovely surroundings. The best part was that our massage therapists really did a great job applying the right amount of pressure. We both like to really feel a massage and I find that a lot of therapists are just too gentle on me. These were awesome. And did I mention 90 minutes? Ok, I know I did. But I just had to say it again. We even got my mom a gift certificate for her upcoming birthday. Shhhhhhhhh. If you happen to be in the South Puget Sound area, check out The Massage Zone. The hot tubs are really what sold me initially, but they were awesome all around.
